Human Resources
1. Employee profile and advertising
■ Sidney Advisory consultants will agree with our Client on:
- the optimum candidate's qualities
- qualification, skills
- personality type
- suitability for the advertised position etc.
■ Sidney Advisory consultants will prepare a quality job advert for Client's approval.
■ Our Client, together with our in-house Human Resource (HR) team will agree on the advertising strategy e.g. minimising advertising costs while maximising the reach to quality candidates.
2. Resume filtering
■ Our HR team will shortlist around 5 to 10 suitable candidates based on
(i) stability with past employers
(ii) relevant industry experience
(iii) quality of resume formatting and grammar
(iv) education and accomplishments
(v) sports, hobbies, interests etc
■ Our HR team will arrange a telephone interview with the shortlisted candidates
3. Telephone interviews
■ Our HR team conduct a preliminary interview surrounding:
(i) reason(s) for leaving current and past employer(s)
(ii) salary expectations
(iii) their career expectations with our Client
(iv) availability
(v) visa status
(vi) ability to converse fluently etc.
■ We will evaluate the candidate's spoken English (in terms of grammar, tone) and ability to provide adequate answers etc.
■ The shortlisted candidate(s) will be invited to move on to the next step.
4. Completion of recruitment questionnaire, personality profiling, behaviour and competencies test
■ The applicant will be required to complete a multipage page questionnaire document (which includes personality profiling, future professional plan, work style, scenario based questions and applicant's expectations etc).
■ Upon our Client's request, our HR team will include a behavioural and competencies questionnaire in this process.
This will help to identify quality candidates who:
(i) respond to emails and complete required tasks promptly
(ii) move ahead with the recruitment process with minimum questions
5. In-person interview
■ During the interview (which includes our Client, candidate and HR team), we will observe the candidate: dress style, eye contact, body language etc.
■ We will take notice of what was being mentioned: is the candidate focused on what he/ she can do for the company? What are the relevant experiences and skills?
■ Determine the candidate's knowledge about
(i) our Client's company and its business offerings
(ii) our Client's website
(iii) what the job will entail
(iv) how the candidate can contribute etc.
■ Our HR team will prepare a detailed comparison table of each candidate, for our Client's consideration.
6. Professional references
■ To secure independent, honest feedback on shortlisted candidates, our HR team will ring the employers and senior supervisors from past employments. This provides the most honest feedback and assessment of a candidate's strength and weaknesses.
■ Simultaneously, our HR team will secure from our preferred candidate(s) the Know Your Employee due diligence documents including
(i) passport copy
(ii) identity card
(iii) bank account details
(iv) work pass
(v) educational certificates copy.
7. Employment contract
■ Our HR team will agree with the Client and candidate the terms and conditions to the employment contract, ensuring compliance with local government employment laws.
■ Following the satisfactory completion of the above, a final formal employment contract is signed with the employee, including
(i) remuneration and holidays
(ii) employee's responsibilities
(iii) employee's goals for the 3 month probationary period
(iv) employee's goals for the next 12 months etc.